Ad Production

Ad Production

Stand out in today’s competitive market with compelling advertisements crafted by Truth TV’s creative team. From concept development to distribution, we handle every aspect of the ad production process to effectively showcase your brand or message. Whether you’re launching a new product, promoting an event, or raising awareness for a cause, our experienced professionals leverage their expertise to deliver impactful ads that resonate with your target audience.

  • Strategic messaging: Develop targeted ad campaigns that connect with your audience and achieve your marketing objectives.
  • Creative storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that resonate with viewers and leave a lasting impression.
  • Multi-platform distribution: Reach your target audience across various channels, including TV, social media, and online platforms.

Our Rates

We offer a flexible range of ad rates to suit your specific needs and budget.

₵500 Per Month
  • Advert 3 Times Per Day
  • Digital Marketing
  • Video Campaigns
₵1000 Per Month
  • Advert 3 Times Per Day
  • Digital Marketing
  • Video Campaigns
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Crawl Advert
₵2500 Per Month
  • Advert 3 Times Per Day
  • Digital Marketing
  • Video Campaigns
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Crawl Advert
  • Squeez Back


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